Saturday, October 29, 2011

A light unto my path

As like most other weeks, this one was not less crazy, but was also most wonderful.

Not sure how much I'll be able to type because my arms are shaking from just finishing my WOD. Lately I have been doing so much per diem work that it has been difficult to go to the gym, but I really don't like not doing anything, so I've been trying to make up some WOD's that I can do at home. Plus, the cruise is in two weeks, which means lots of eating delicious food, which means working out before and after is a must!

Yesterdays WOD:

100 burpees: 25 of the not on knees, 75 on knees - Time: 9:05
50 tricep dips off edge of bed
50 reverse crunches

Todays WOD:
5x rounds of:
20 x 3 pulse deep squats
10 straight leg raises laying down holding onto bed
15 L side planks to 5 dumbbell hugs
15 R side planks to 5 dumbbell hugs
20 twist crunches

After the 5 sets:
50 V crunch ups
30 second planks x 4 rounds with 10 second rest in between

So I'm pretty tired.

Monday I got to see an old patient of mine who is doing very well and making more progress than the doctors ever thought he was. I am so blessed and thankful to have even gotten to play a part in his recovery for a period of time, and continue to see his progress as we continue as friends. It's always so awesome to see how God works beyond what Dr's ever thought was possible. And then Monday night I crashed at 7:45. I would be embarrassed if it didn't feel just so good to sleep 9-10 hrs on a weeknight.

Tuesday and Weds were lots of hours of work, doing per diem after the full time job, but I love what I do, thankfully.

Last night we had friends over from church and had a most wonderful time. I will be sad to see them snowbird off to FL for the winter, but am thankful for the time we were able to spend together last night visiting, and eating her most delicious chocolate truffle pie.

Today was a blur of picking out/up primer and paint, going to my friend Chantelle's sons 2 yr old bday party, and starting to paint the dining room. Speaking of painting, it's about time for the second round of primer.

But lastly, there was the huge blessing of two healthy baby boys from two wonderful women at church this week. I can't wait to meet them both! Life is such a blessing, and I don't want to take any moment for granted.

Thanks for reading!

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" Psalm 119:105

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